Millennium Force remains one of the tallest, fastest, and longest steel roller coasters in the world. It's tagline is "The future is riding on it."
Two years ago, we went to Cedar Point with our friends. We waited in line for the Millenium Force rollercoaster ride for at least an hour. We get to the top and it's our turn...then it happened. The seat belt wouldn't latch! I turned to my husband and said "What am I going to do? It won't latch." I frantically began to try to get the seatbelt to hook. The guy came by and said to me, "If the seatbelt doesn't secure, you can't ride." I was horrified. All of sudden, it latched and we were able to ride. All day, we walked through the park and waited in lines. I worried the whole time...would it happen again? I started looking at other people and thinking is this happening to them too? Nobody knew what had happened except my husband. As the day went on, we rode rides and had a great time. Later that night, we went back to the Millenium Force to ride in the darkness of the night. Cool, right? No! This time when we entered the line, the ride attendant stopped me and said, "You might not fit. Try the seat first before entering." So my friends wouldn't hear her, I quickly responded that I had already rode the ride earlier that day. I was embarrassed and worried as we waited in line.
That was the moment that I decided that I needed to do something about my weight and I joined Weight Watchers a few months later (deciding and doing are two different things).
Yesterday was my birthday. I went to Cedar Point with my friend, Hollie, so I could conquer the Millenium Force! I wanted to prove to myself that I could fasten that seatbelt and ride! I'm proud to report that the seat belt fastened and I rode the ride!
fat fuck