Saturday, September 11, 2010

Two Weeks of Maintenance Update

Maintain...what does that mean? So, I looked it up. One of the meanings is "to carry on; continue." At the end of my first week, I lost 0.2 pounds. I said to her, "that is maintaining, right?" She said, "No, that is a loss." Now, it depends on how you look at it really. If you are trying to lose weight, then I would say celebrate that loss. However, when trying to maintain, I would say that is pretty darn close.

Another meaning of maintain is "to defend or hold against criticism or attack." Now that is powerful. The saboteurs are coming out. I've heard a few times in the past few weeks that now it is finally over and you can eat again. Well, you'll just gain it all back. It is as if they are watching me and waiting to say, "I told you so." So now more than ever, I need to defend. But I am also in need of defending against own stinkin' thinkin' that comes out from time to time. I have these four extra points that I'm supposed to be eating everyday in addition to my other daily points allowance. This can really play with your mind. It is so easy to fall back into bad habits. Which leads me to the next meaning...

...of the word is "to support a style of living." I've done a lot of thinking about that meaning. This wasn't a diet, but a live it! A way of life. A style of living and good healthy habits. I encourage all of you to look at weight loss as a life long journey and a way of living. It isn't is forever. It is a challenge to maintain. I have a love affair with cookies and they are a "red light" food for me. I can't have them in my house. Now, I'm not talking about Oreos...I'm talking about fresh, baked cookies right out of the oven. I just can't do it in moderation no matter how many extra points.

Well, I lost 1.2 pounds this week at the scale. Not sure what is happening. I'm still trying to get into that maintenance mode and out of the weight loss mentality. It is hard, I'm not going to fool you. And I am scared. So, stay tuned as I journey through the maintenance avenue. I'm looking forward to becoming lifetime.

PS...Weight Watchers asked me today, if I'd be interested in working for them! What do you think I should do?

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