Saturday, August 28, 2010


I woke up this morning at 5:30 AM because I just couldn't sleep. I was so nervous and excited all at the same time. As I headed to Weight Watchers this morning, I was filled with such anticipation. When I stepped on the scale, I watched Velva's face. Velva is the lady that weighs me every week. I go to the same scale because I'm silly that way. She never shows any emotion. As I stared at her face looking for some sort of sign, I became nervous. Maybe I didn't really do it this week. But then I saw her eyes get real big as she took another look on the screen. Then she said, "You lost 100 pounds!"

My arms went up in the air and tears began to flow. Cheers from my friends standing in the line behind me. Hugs and high fives all around. It was one of the best moments of my life.

During the meeting, Nancy called me up to the front. She announced that I had lost 100 pounds. The members in the room stood to their feet and started to applaud. Nancy asked me for my "before" picture because she knows that I carry it around with me. She showed everyone my picture and talked a little bit about my journey. As I talked to the crowded room, I had big tears in my eyes. Tears of happiness.

At Weight Watchers, we work for stickers and charms. Today, I received my additional 5 pound sticker, a bravo sticker, a 100 pound GOLD trinket to go on my 10% key chain, the 100 pound magnet, a sticker that said "perfect", the trinket that represent GOAL, and a certificate of accomplishment signed by the President of Weight Watchers and my leader, Nancy. I also received a bouquet of beautiful flowers from my friends, Dennis and Carol.

I am truly appreciative for programs like Weight Watchers. Losing weight is very hard and not everyone can stick with it. What I like about the program is that you don't have to deprive yourself of your favorites. If you tell yourself, you can't have pizza or ice cream then you are only going to want to eat pizza and ice cream. Have your favorites in moderation. One of the ladies at the meeting said it perfectly today, "I learned to only eat one M&M at a time. One M&M tastes the same as a handful of them."

So as I head into the next six weeks of maintenance, I am reminded that this is not the end, but only the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Won't you join me at the next Weight Watchers meeting? Because people who attend WW meetings lose 3x more weight than people who don't. Because sometimes you need a meeting, but sometimes a meeting needs you!


  1. You are awesome..and such an inspiration! I want to be in that zone - any suggestions?

  2. Without knowing your situation, I will give you some general advice. I really believe in the Weight Watchers program because it allows you to live. By that I mean that you are not deprived of your favorites...everything in moderation. I highly recommend that you join a meeting. So to get started, get on the scale and record your weight and maybe take your measurements (I didn't do that and I wish that I would have). Write everything down that you eat...every bite, lick and taste. Plan for the week and stick to that plan. Tell others what you are doing. This will hold you accountable and will give you support. Add walking to your daily routine or some sort of activity. It doesn't come off in huge amounts like you see on the Biggest Loser, but you should expect to lose .5 to 2 pounds a week. Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Baby steps. Good luck!
